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Map customer expenses

Map accounts, suppliers, and customers to create expenses using the Sync for Expenses product

Once your SMB user has authorized a connection to their accounting platform and you have created a data connection, you are ready to create expense configuration for their company. Ask your customer for the default bank account, customer, and supplier to be used with their expenses.

You also need to provide them with an opportunity (via your application's user interface) to choose the default accounts, tracking categories, and tax rates that their expenses will be mapped to.

Create configuration

Use our Set company configuration to set up how your customers' expenses will be pushed. You can check the configuration anytime to confirm or display the company's configuration using the Get company configuration endpoint.

Company Config
"bankAccount": {
"id": "{selectedBankAccountId}"
"supplier": {
"id": "{selectedSupplierId}"
"customer": {
"id": "{selectedCustomerId}"

Bank account

A bank account ( is required to show where purchases have been made from. This can either a credit or debit account. You can choose to create a new account or retrieve a list of existing accounts from your customer's accounting software.

  • To create a new bank account, use the Create bank account endpoint. You should trigger a data refresh if a new bank account has been created prior to syncing transactions.

  • Use the List accounts endpoint to fetch a list of your customer's existing accounts from their accounting software and display these to them. You can also use query parameters to narrow down the list of results, for example:

    • query=metadata.isDeleted=false&&isBankAccount=true returns existing bank accounts.
    • query=metadata.isDeleted=false&&isBankAccount=true&&type=liability returns existing liability bank accounts, which are used for credit cards.
Transactions in foreign currency

With Sync for Expenses, you can handle transactions in a foreign currency in two ways:

  1. Each foreign exchange currency has its own bank account.
  2. Each transaction is converted back to the currency of the bank account.


A supplier ( is required so that the relevant spending can be associated with that that supplier record. You can choose to create a new supplier or retrieve a list of existing suppliers from your customer's accounting software.

  • To create a new supplier, use the Create supplier endpoint.

  • Use the List suppliers endpoint to fetch a list of your customer's existing suppliers from their accounting software and display these to them. You can also use query parameters to narrow down the list of results. For example, query=metadata.isDeleted=false&&supplierName=supplierName returns existing suppliers that match the specified name.

Supplier currency considerations

The currency associated with the supplier must match the currency associated with the relevant spend. Codat validates the match for suppliers with a single set currency, but not for suppliers that work with multiple currencies.


Choose the customer ( that any income-related activities, such as cashback, should be associated with. You can create a new supplier or retrieve a list of existing suppliers from your customer's accounting software.

  • To create a new customer, use the Create customer endpoint.

  • Use the List customers endpoint to fetch a list of your SMB's existing customers from their accounting software and display these to them. You can also use query parameters to narrow down the list of results. For example, query=metadata.isDeleted=false&&customerName=name returns existing customers that match the specified name.

Supplier and customer handling

In some scenarios, different accounting platforms assign customers and suppliers to a transaction based on the expense's transaction types:

Supported Platforms
XeroQBONetsuiteMicrosoft Dynamics
Transaction TypesPaymentsSupplierSupplierSupplierSupplier is not associated with expense transactions due to a Dynamics platform limitation.
Transfer inCustomerSupplierNA
Transfer outSupplierSupplierNA
Adjustment inIf the expense account is a bank account, then supplier is used. If not, customer is used.CustomerNA
Adjustment outSupplierCustomerNA

Override settings

Your customer would have previous set the default suppliers and bank accounts that will be associated with expense transactions at the configuration level.

You should also enable your customer to override the default settings at the transaction level when creating an item of spend. Setting these at the transaction level means you can sync a more accurate representation of who or where the spend should be associated with in the accounting platform.

If no override is set at the transaction level, the spend item will be associated with the supplier or bank account configured for the company.

Overriding customer settings

This functionality is not supported for customers.

Bank Account override on the expense transaction
Supplier override on the expense transaction
"type": "Supplier"

Mapping options

Every SMB customer has its own preference on how an individual expense should be represented in their accounting software. You can retrieve these options using the Mapping options endpoint.

The response can then be cached and displayed to the customer when they are finalizing their expenses. You will normally see the name of the connected expense provider in the expenseProvider property.

Sample mappingOptions response
"expenseProvider": "Partner Expense",
"accounts": [
"id": "c5194f9d-b443-4630-b2d4-339bd57d313c",
"name": "Interest Earned",
"currency": "GBP",
"accountType": "Asset",
"validTransactionTypes": [
"trackingCategories": [
"id": "dba3d4da-f9ed-4eee-8e0b-452d11fdb1fa",
"modifiedDate": "2022-08-03T12:04:40.067Z",
"name": "Sales and Marketing",
"hasChildren": false,
"parentId": "DEPARTMENT"
"taxRates": [
"id": "INPUT2",
"name": "20% (VAT on Expenses)",
"code": "INPUT2",
"effectiveTaxRate": 20,
"totalTaxRate": 20


The accounts array includes the general ledger accounts which have been pulled from the SMB customer's accounting software.

  • The name is what they labelled the account in the software, so you can display this to your end user.
  • validTransactionTypes tells you which transaction types are accepted by the account. This prevents validation issues, such as a customer accidentally trying to reconcile an expense to an income account.

You can also create additional accounts with our Create account endpoint, for example if a company has a new category for representing expenses.

Tracking categories

Tracking categories are used to monitor specific cost centers and control budgets that sit outside of the standard chart of accounts. Your customers may use tracking categories to group and track the income and costs of specific departments (e.g. Sales and marketing), projects, locations, or customers.

When pushing an expense reconciliation, you can include a tracking category to further categorize this expense.

Tax rates

Tax rates enable your SMB customers to accurately track taxes against purchases and, depending on the locale, allow them to recoup the tax. Assigning a tax rate to a transaction is mandatory, unless the transaction is a transferIn or transferOut.

Accounting systems typically store a set of taxes and associated rates within the accounting package. This means users don't have to look up or remember the rate for each type of tax. For example, applying the tax "UK sales VAT" to the line items of an invoice in an accounting platform will add the correct tax rate of 20%.

In some cases, your customers might not need to track tax on expenses. We recommend assigning a default tax code for 0% from the accounting package for those transactions.

Refresh mapping options

The default sync settings set for Sync for Expenses' data types will refresh the mapping options on an daily basis, however, you can also refresh the options manually by making a request to the Mapping options endpoint.


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