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Sync for Expenses

Push categorized expenses and attachments to all major accounting platforms, handling the complexities of expense reconciliation

What is it?

Sync for Expenses is a standardized API-based product that makes it easy to build and maintain accounting integrations and an end-to-end expense management process that customers love.

With 58% of small businesses saying they choose one spending solution over another based on quality of their accounting integrations, Sync for Expenses enables you to push categorized expenses and attachments to your customers' accounting software via our high-quality accounting integrations.

It includes built-in logic so you can easily handle all of the complexities of expense reconciliation, such as refunds, accounting for multiple currencies, and allowing users to correct errors.

Who is it for?

With Sync for Expenses, corporate card providers, expense management providers, and neobanks can easily embed accounting automation features in their solution that would otherwise take months or even years to design, build, and maintain from scratch.

Why use it?

  • Increase share of wallet

    Make your card your customers' favorite way to spend through hassle-free accounting integrations that save them time on tedious financial admin.

  • Go to market quickly

    Ship robust expense management integrations with leading accounting platforms six times faster via our single, streamlined API.

  • Free up development resources

    Run your accounting integrations on our infrastructure proven at scale without the hassle of ongoing API maintenance and optimization.

  • Get standardized data

    Sync for Expenses is completely standardized with a data model based on the experience of expense card providers.

  • Capture receipts

    Easily upload receipts against an expense, providing your SMB customer with a full audit trail for each transaction.

  • Two-way sync

    Sync for Expenses stays in touch with the SMB customer’s general ledger so that your integrations are more robust and reliable.

How does it work?

With Sync for Expenses, you can build a solution that covers all the key steps of expense management.

Configure customer

Start by creating a

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to represent your SMB customer in Codat. Then, establish its connection to the customer's accounting platform. We will handle the authorization and linking to that platform - all we need is for your SMB to approve this access via our auth flow.

Map customer expenses

Create expense configuration for your customer's company so that Sync for Expenses can attribute their spend to the correct accounts, suppliers, and customers.

Expenses can also be categorized according to your SMB's bookkeeping. Provide your customer with the opportunity to choose the accounts, tracking categories, and tax rates that their expenses will be mapped to.

Create and update expenses

Once the customer has categorized their expenses using the mapping options, use Sync for Expenses to push their everyday purchases to the SMB's accounting platform. Sync for Expenses also enables SMB customers to push attachments for a complete audit trail.

Sync expense transactions

Once you create a categorized expense transaction, you can initiate a sync of a set of these transactions. The sync processes the expenses you created, maps them into the format required by the accounting platform, and records them in that platform.

Upload attachments

When creating an expense transaction, allow your SMB customer to save a copy of the associated receipt in their accounting platform.

Supported integrations

Transaction types supported per integration
Transaction typePaymentRefundRewardChargebackTransfer inTransfer outAdjustment inAdjustment out
QuickBooks Online✔️✔️✔️✔️✔️✔️✔️✔️
Dynamics 365✔️✔️✔️✔️
Oracle NetSuite✔️✔️

Build with client libraries

Use our comprehensive SDKs to kick-start and simplify your developers' journey automating the expense management process for your customers. The SDKs come in multiple languages and provide sample requests and responses for the full range of spend management scenarios.